Not So Fast Day

My first week has been going well. I fasted Monday and Wednesday and saw great results, so on Saturday I decided to make it a 4:3 week, to really kick start my weight loss.

I didn’t eat anything until 4pm, but then The Boy, forgetting that I was fasting, suggested that we go get milkshakes. At first I decided not to, but then I caved. I chose the fast diet because I could make it work around my lifestyle, and I could follow it without feeling like I was constantly denying myself. It was a rare day in which The Boy and I both had the afternoon off together, and I had already done my two fast days this week, so I went for it. I got a small milkshake and it was divine, but I could only have half before I was completely stuffed.

Oh yeah – then we had pizza for dinner because we were in the middle of an epic game of Age of Empires against each other and didn’t want to stop to cook. Thug life.

I don’t even feel bad about it – except that I had zero vegetables the whole day (does pizza sauce count?!). I enjoyed my day, and also kept to the bare bones of the diet for the week. I’m going to call this one a win.

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